Make their own bed. One of my favorite ways that kids can help at home is with their laundry. ...
Bring Laundry to the Laundry Room. First, remove all hampers from your kids rooms. ...
Sort Laundry. ...
Put Laundry Away. ...
Stack Laundry Vertically in Drawers. ...
Everyone Dresses Themselves. ...
Hang Towels to Dry on Low Hooks. ...
Kids + Dishes.
She wants the reader to understand that she was nervous.
She wants the reader to understand that she was nervous because she threw up.
In this poetry, the abstract concept of "hope," which can also signify "desire" or "trust," is symbolically compared to a "bird," a real, living thing. The meaning of the term "bird" is broad. Birds are frequently perceived as being independent and free, or as spiritual symbols.
How is hope compared to a bird ?
American poet Emily Dickinson wrote the famous poem "Hope is the thing with feathers" sometime about 1861. In the poem, "Hope" is metaphorically transformed into a resilient bird that lives inside the human spirit and sings its song in the face of adversity. In essence, the poem wants to remind readers of the power of optimism and how little it asks of them. The speaker said that hope has never asked for anything in return and has always been a consolation in hard times. One of several poems by Emily Dickinson that rework an abstract concept using fresh imagery and figurative language is "Hope is the Thing with Feathers."
To learn more about Hope checkout the link below :
The answer is d. onomatopoeia because words like fizz, pop ,buzz and, crack are all giving a vizulile of imagery
Funeral of Hearts
Megadeth - Of Mice and Men
The Killers - All These Things that I've done
Peter, Bjorn, and John - Young Folks
Depeche Mode - Precious
Rod Stewart - Killing of Georgie
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland by 1945
Wade Hayes - What I Meant to Say George Michael - Father Figure