Harry S. Truman wife Eleanor Roosevelt
Answer: The first answer is d,the next one is d,the other one is c, and the last one is b
Explanation:This is on Newsela:High schoolers demanding Black history and more Black authors
There are various social, economic, and political reasons for the rise of imperialism in Europe. Trade has provided huge profit for the European states and there were greater zeal to protect it. The British occupation of Egypt was one such occupation to control the Suez canal. Another reason was the belief in the superiority of European race supplemented by social Darwinism. the competition among the European nations was not only economic reasons but it was also a matter of national prestige.
Answer:The Peloponnesian War was that Athens was defeated by Sparta, both Athens and Sparta were so severely weakened that they never fully recovered from the ravages of the war and that the war paved the way for Macedonian dominance. The conflict between Athens and Sparta was inevitable