Bonjour ,
b) qu’est ce que tu penses de CETTE veste blanche
c) Tina porte CETTE impermeable...( not sure )
d) CES
f) CES
A = Quickly
B = Economically
C = Easily
D = A lot / Often
Si nous voulons sauver la planète, il faut que nous utilisions les ressources naturelles =
If we want to save the planet, we must use natural resources
I think the answer is B. Economically.
Si nous voulons sauver la planète, il faut que nous utilisions les ressources naturelles beaucoup.
(I apologize if this is wrong. I graduated my French unit awhile ago.)
Who is the current president of France?
François Hollande
<span>How many regions does France have (including those overseas)?
12 regions in metropolitan France, plus Corsica, and five regions overseas (including Mayotte department which also has the skills of a region and the unique communities of Guyana and Martinique)</span>
From where did the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, originate?<span>Naissance : </span><span>15 août 1769, Ajaccio
</span><span>Who is Astérix le Gaulois?
Is a fictional character the titular hero of the French comic book series The Adventures of Asterix.
La famille Dupont est une grande famille.
the adjective grand (e) (s) (es) ...............
grand = masc. singulier ===> un grand + masc. noun <em>(un grand arbre)</em>
grande = fem. singulier ===> une grande + fem. noun <em>(une grande </em><u><em>famille)</em></u>
grands = masc. pluriel ====> des grands + masc. pluriel <em>(des grands arbres</em>)
grandes = fem. pluriel =====> des grandes + fem. plur. <em>(des grandes familles)</em>
1- David et moi allons chez le boucher
2- Mr et Mme Martin vont chez l'épicier
3- Tu vas chez le pâtissier
4- Mme Beaufour, vous allez chez le poissonnier
5- Je vais chez le fromager
hope I helped !!!