1. Roma videmus
-Here, Rome would need to be in the accusative case since it is the direct object. The correct word would be <em>Romam.</em>
2. Romani viae visito
-Visito is first person meaning "I visit." The correct word would be <em>visitant.</em>
-Again, you need to use the accusative case for direct objects. The correct word here would be <em>vias.</em>
3. Romani pugnae spectabimus
-Spectabimus translates to "We will watch." The correct word would have been <em>spectabunt.</em>
-Again, battles needs to be in the accusative case since it is being watched. The correct word would be <em>pugnas.</em>
Hope this helps.
-outlets for creative writers/included many Deaf authors
Answer:Is petroleum and the other energy sources all used for the same thing
Is petroleum and the other energy sources all used for the same thing
The family stayed in the resort.
Hace dos días, los porteros abrieron la caja fuerte de la habitación 19
A forum was held to express the views of the readers about the future of human beings in the light of the development of life around us. I wanted to participate in this forum with a speech in which it is important to establish a balanced society around us to ensure a better future for human beings.
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