When cases are super high: remote on Zoom
When cases are decreasing: Extreme social distancing with masks and half the school going one week and the other half remote. Then, the two groups would switch the next week, so the in-person group would go remote and the remote group would go in person.
specific bacteria metabolize sweat to produce an aroma or scent that results from warm temperatures, stress or physical effort.
*please do not just copy my answer it was meant to help you not just give you anything to put down!
*if you think my answer is good or will get an A please give me brainliest or high stars.
*please treat people with kindness, wear a mask, and have a lovely day.
Because sight is one of your senses that allows you to send messages and signals to your brain. This then interprets the image as something that is scary, which then is processed as fear or unease in the form of feelings.