because they didnt want slavery
We should definitely be treated the same because we are all people just different in the way God made us.
The phrase “war to end all wars” was first used by the British author H. G. Wells.Thus, WWI was called the “war to end all wars” because there were people who felt that it would lead to the destruction of the sorts of governments and attitudes that caused war.
This period made available the use of fertilizers, high yield grains we planted, and the use of irrigation.
INTENDED OUTCOMES: high yield seeds are being used, reduce starvation with massive food production, use of pesticide and chemical fertilizers.
UNINTENDED OUTCOMES: were the damages to small farmers by widening the gap between them and those with bigger farm, soil depletion, and chemical runoff.
Green Revolution also known as the third agricultural revolution was a form research capability using technology during the late 1950s and 1960s which resulted or bring high agricultural produce through out the world.
The Green Revolution brings about the use of high yielding seeds with chemical fertilizers for greater food production.
INTENDED OUTCOMES: these include high yield production, increase food production, save millions over the world of starvation, increase use of technology to ease food production and the use of pesticide to protect food crops damage.
UNINTENDED OUTCOMES: these are resulted into creating wide margin between small farmers and the those farmers who owns the land, soil and water resources being depleted
He came in contact with more Polytheistic B.