The supreme court ruled that the suspects can refuse to cooperate and the police has the duty of informing suspects what their rights are and how their rights are applied. Suspects can remain silent and not incriminate themselves which means not cooperating with the police.
ok , you guys can report me or whatever you need to do but i actually have a genuine question and i actually really want help because yeah. okay so basically i cant get wet whenever i get sExuäl pleaŠuRë and i don’t know what’s wrong with me. i drink enough water, and everything i don’t wanna b dry. pls help me actually ://
1. weakened Persian and Byzantine rule
2. effective fighting methods.
Answer: Common Sense was written to gain support for the loyalist movement.
Explanation: Found the answer on (weegy)
Early in his reign, he was very brutal and felt quite guilty of how he behaved. He became a Buddhist, and practiced ahimsa (not hurting other living things).