If we are talking about the reconstruction period, the Radical republicans wanted to ensure an absolute right to vote to all African-Americans, as well as giving them land and education as a mandatory thing. Moderate ones didn't want to agitate the southerners too much so they didn't want to give them land, and when it comes to education, it was open to them but was not mandatory for African-Americans to go to school.
Many of the Catholic priest were killed. So I’d say yes Catholic people were killed in the Holocaust.
The hardships and dangers that the settlers still faced after the voyage was over according to the end of chapter nine, were the fierce winter, sickness, and starvation.
According to Bradford, the one thing that can sustain the group during these trails is God and His grace.
Early Christianity developed in theRoman Empire, where many religions were practiced that are, for lack of a better term, labeled paganism. From the point of view of the early Christians these religions all qualified as ethnic (or gentile, ethnikos, gentilis, the term translating goyim, later rendered as paganus) in contrast with Second Temple Judaism.