Answer: most Japanese Americans chose to listen to the army’s exclusion orders, but a few chose to challenge aspects of the exclusion.
No. We want everyone to be treated equally but that will never happen. People are always going to judge by the color of your skin or what you look like. It is a sad world that we live in.
D and C. he grew up o n a farm soo..
Your diary entry might include ideas about how your work in the factory is dangerous or how you work for more hours than expected and get paid almost nothing. Also make sure to include how you joined a union and how you had a strike together to protest asking for better working conditions and higher wages.
Industrial Production, Agricultural Production, Iron Smelting, Coal Extraction, The Railways, Steam Power
People like Abraham Darby found a successful way of extracting iron from rocks by using process involving coal. This massively increased the production of iron, which could then be used to produce steam engines, agricultural and industrial machinery, railways and bridges. (→ Industrial Production, Agricultural Production, the Railways & Steam Power) People like Humphrey Davy invented a new type of safely lamp which enabled coal miners to work longer hours in deeper pits without fear of explosions. This led to an increase in the production of coal, which was needed to power steam machines and for smelting iron. (→ Industrial Production, Iron Smelting & Steam Power) People like Isambard Kingdom Brunel improved the transport network immensely by building railways and bridges for the new steam trains. This meant that fuel and people could be moved into the new industrial factories and goods could be carried away. (→ Industrial Production & Steam Power)People like James Watt produced effective steam engines powered by coal that made industrial and agricultural machines run more quickly and which led to the development of steam trains. (→ Industrial Production, Agricultural Production & The Railways)