The American businesses have been favoring the overseas expansion of the USA because it was in their interest to make more profit.
The overseas expansion of USA meant that bigger market was going to open for the products and goods for the American businesses. Also, they were going to be able to create affiliations in those new territories, which was very desirable because the labor force was much more cheaper but had pretty much the same efficiency.
Also, apart from the opening of the new markets in the gained territories, the businesses, through their affiliations were going to be much closer to the other big markets, thus minimizing the coast for transportation. All of these things were going to make much bigger profit tot he American businesses, so they were very fond of such a move.
What exactly is the question
OPTION A: They held the first national protest against the war in Vietnam.
Students for a Democratic Society (1960-74) was a student activist organization of the U.S., initially engaged in civil rights movement. It was responsible for organizing the first national protest against the war in Vietnam on Washington, D.C., in April 1965. Since then, the SDS grew more militant especially about issues relating to the war.