herbivore-those kinds of animals that eat plants and trees only e.g elephants
omnivore-those animals that eat both meat and plants e.g baboons /humans
carnivore-those animals that eat meat only some call them the preditors e.g lions /cheetah
I think it is true because musicians do have to know their instrments and they have to know how to play it how to read the music or if you sing there is a lot more to it. and with athletes they have to have good strength and they have to understand whatever sport they play.
Theres a character minimum smh but i think its d pls check though g00gle is fr33
Our fingerprints are like our own dna that makes up our identity. Our fingerprints are like a serial code which can be scanned like the iPhone.
Sensing, secretion, protection, transcellular transport, and selective absorbtion