Hydrogen ion movement form ATP in ATP synthase .
ATP synthase is present in mitochondrial membrane when pass hydrogen ion in to lumen of mitochondria and due to proton gradient generate ATP molecule with pass of hydrogen ion into lumen ATP is formed from ADP and inorganic phosphorous molecule . Passing of three hydrogen io generate one ATP molecule .So movement of hydrogen ion is directly related to ATP synthases.
Because amino acids can be arranged in many different combinations, it's possible for your body to make thousands of different kinds of proteins from just the same 21 amino acids. You may see books that say there are only 20 amino acids.
The leading cause is garbage and waste from people.
An adaptation is a trait that "evolved" for a particular condition that allows the animal to survive. Something is adaptive if it is a useful trait but not necessarily one that occurred in response to a particular selection pressure. Basically a trait is an adaptation if it is the product of selection, and adaptive if it is beneficial in the present time.
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