The narrator in John Updike's story "Son" isfinding a way to balance his love for his son with the young man's emergence into adulthood. The protagonist's growing awareness of his own mortality is the central conflict in Robert Olen Butler's story "The Trip Back."
Its the second answer
"it causes the bride to blush and makes her content"
as indicated by "she looked bashfully down; The pride o' her heart was beguiled" (beguiled means to charm aka make content)
The age of the runner is an illogical comparison, especially when the age is not very different.
dfcgvhjnfewrgetr I need u to explain this a bit more im lost.
It is an infinitive functioning as a noun.
I took the test and got a 100 , also it is an infintive functioning as a noun because "to + verb" = infintive and to begin is a nominal (noun) infinitive -- it acts as a noun. :)
Some example would be To travel the world would be my dream come true
My goal is to skydive over the Grand Canyon