So what's the real difference between a group and a team? Teams are interdependent, working together to emphasize each other's strengths and complete a common goal. Groups utilize individual strengths to get work done and members focus on their own goals.
Credible Reasons Source Blog is explained below with complete explanation.
The description of a credible reference can switch depending on the discipline, but in common, for educational literature, a credible reference is one that is impartial and is backed up with confirmation. When composing a research document, always practice and evidence credible sources. credible references are things the student can trust.
A lot of people like trying new experiences that seem scary like roller coasters, skydiving, cliff jumping and etc for a couple different reasons one may be for the thrill of doing things like those listed above because they can give you an adrenaline rush which some can actually be addicted to that rush and the second they may like to test their boundaries as a person or try to get over their fears.
It a free verse the meter can change and be however you want it to be. The meter is the beat or rhythm of a poem.