Write a summary and a reflection of the discussion in two paragraphs. Use these questions to help you write your response: What
were the most important points made during the discussion? Did the discussion go off the topic or task being discussed? If so, why? How well did group members interact with one another? What points did group members agree or disagree about? Why? How was the flow of the discussion? Provide examples of when the discussion went well and when it was difficult. What would you do the same or differently the next time you participate in a group discussion?
write a summary and a reflection of the discussion in two paragraphs. Use these questions to help you write your response: What were the most important points made during the discussion? Did the discussion go off the topic or task being discussed? If so, why? How well did group members interact with one another? What points did group members agree or disagree about? Why? How was the flow of the discussion? Provide examples of when the discussion went well and when it was difficult. What would you do the same or differently the next time you participate in a group discussion?