- The Congress of Vienna
- They wanted to restore peace and stability in Europe
The Congress of Vienna was a gathering of leaders from the European nations that had defeated France and Napoleon -- and France was allowed representation also. (The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, had a role there. )
The delegates of the Congress of Vienna were interested in creating a balance of power in European politics. They did not want one nation to become too powerful again and press beyond its borders as France had done under Napoleon. The Congress of Vienna emphasized also the principal of "legitimacy" -- trying to put rulers in power that they thought to be the legitimate rulers of nations. (So, for instance, the Bourbon monarchy was restored in France.) They sought to prevent revolutions and unrest from breaking out again ... but it would only be a couple decades before further revolutions did occur.
La Guerra Fría comenzó después de la rendición de la Alemania nazi en 1945, cuando la incómoda alianza entre Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña por un lado y la Unión Soviética por el otro comenzó a desmoronarse. ... Los estadounidenses y los británicos estaban preocupados de que la dominación soviética en Europa del Este pudiera ser permanente.
They sent an army,
Mexico had a problem with the fredonian rebellion so they sent an ARMY.
(B) that Dante and Giotto were the most prominent artists of the proto-renaissance period
The author tries to show how Dante and Giotto were important and influential artists of the proto-renaissance period, even presenting works in different media, the two managed to capture the intimate, the conscience and the sensations, which were characteristic characteristics of the works of art of that period. These characteristics and the importance of these two men for the construction of art and literature is what has made them influential artists until today, and they can be even more influential than they were in their times.
Cartography is map making. The definition of cartography is the making of maps or charts. An example of cartography is making an updated map of the world.