2. Usa
3. Come
4. Observa
5. Compra
Answer: Colonization
Guatemala was once the seat of power of the ancient Mayan civilization and the Maya are currently a major ethnic group there. However, the area was eventually conquered and colonized by Spain.
The Spanish method of colonization differed from the English in that they would procreate with the local population and enforce their customs on them in a process called Hispanicization.
People in Guatemala were not spared of this and as the Spanish enforced their customs and procreated with the native population, Spanish customs became the dominant customs in Guatemala and explains why even today, the country shares customs with Spain.
La muralista <span>habrían</span> mejorado el aspecto de esta pared si hubiera pintado niños jugando.
'The muralist would've improved the aspect of this wall if she/he would have painted children playing.' - translation in my own words.
I hope this helped - Maria S.