There are 52 weeks in a year. In order to figure out how much you have to save each week to save a total of $2000, you have to divide $2000 by 52.
2000÷52= 38.462
So to save $2000 you would have to set aside about $38.50 each week.
Step-by-step explanation:
This question is too difficult
Step-by-step explanation:
8.25-2.75= 5.50 is profit.
0.85*300 boxes= $255.00 the booster club will receive.
0.62 = 0.62 × 100/100 = (0.62 × 100)/100 = 62/100 = 62%;
In other words:
1) Multiply that number by 100.
2) Add the percent sign % to it.