<h2>1. Mahdi will arrive</h2><h3>It was asserted in hadith:</h3>
(Before Doomsday, Allah will create one of my descendants, whose name and father’s name will be the alike as those of mine. The land, which will have been loaded with evil before him, will be charged with equity during his time.) [Tirmidhi]
(There will be a cloud just over Mahdi’s head. An angel from the cloud will say, “This is Mahdi. Regard what he says.”) [Abu Nu’aym]
<h2>2. Dajjal will arrive</h2>
It was said in a hadith:
(Dajjal will emerge and will claim that he is a god. He who believes in his divinity will be a disbeliever.) [Ibn Abi Shayba]
<h2>3. Jesus will descend from the sky</h2>
It is revealed in the Qur’an al-Karim:
(We cursed Jews because of their saying, “We murdered ‘Isa, son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah.” They did not murder him, nor did they crucify him. The murdered one was made to appear to them like ‘Isa.) [Surat-un-Nisa’ 157]
‘Isa has been raised to the sky. (Surat-un-Nisa’ 158)
‘Isa’s descending from the sky in the time period close to Doomsday is surely knowledge which shows the approach of Doomsday. Have no doubt about it.) [Surat-uz-Zukhruf 61, Baydawi]
<h3>Also, it is stated in hadith:</h3>
(‘Isa will descend from the sky as a just judge. He will break the cross [he will wipe out Christianity], kill pigs [he will forbid pork], and prohibit everything other than Islam.) [Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Abi Shayba]
(With the descent of ‘Isa, peace and security will prevail everywhere so much so that lambs will wander with wolves freely; children will play with snakes.) [Abu Dawud]
(Doomsday will not come before 10 presages appear. One of them is ‘Isa’s descent from the sky.) [Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Nasai, Imam-i Ahmad, Tabarani, Ibn Hibban, Ibn Jarir]
<h2>4. Dabbat-ul-ard will rise</h2>
(Dabbat-ul-and will touch a Believer with the staff of Musa. Then “He is destined for Paradise” will be written on his forehead, and his face will glitter. It will hit a disbeliever with the seal of Sulaiman. Then “He is destined for Hell” will be written on his forehead, and his face will blacken.) [Tirmidhi]
The Qur’an al-Karim, too, makes a reference to this beast. (Surat-un-Naml 82)
<h2>5. Gog and Magog will rise</h2><h3>It is revealed in the Qur’an:</h3>
(The wall will collapse; Gog and Magog will rush down from every hill.) [Surat-ul-Anbiya 96]
<h3>It is declared in a hadith:</h3>
(Gog and Magog are one of the first signs of Doomsday.) [Ibn Jarir]
the purpose of educations is for us humans to used to de suscefull in life and to learn how to do all of different things that we didnt know when we first come to life