which video. there is no video
Mary Douglas Leakey was recognized in her lifetime as one of the world’s most distinguished fossil hunters. In 1974 Mary BEGINS work at Laetoli, 30 miles from Olduvai Gorge. It is here that Mary and her team found amazingly well preserved hominid footprints in volcanic beds, known as tuffs. The footprint tuff of 1976 has a potassium argon date of 3.5-3.8 mya, evidence of upright walking that supported Donald Johansen's find, Lucy, also known as Australopithecus Afarensis, though Mary Leakey has rejected this( she believe that the belong to the genus homo). Eighty feet of trail had been uncovered by 1979, leaving researchers to speculate that it was three hominids, possibly a family, that left their mark millions of years ago.
Driven Out
Chinese immigrants were often treated violently, and the government even supported this behavior. Anti-Chinese riots and attacks on Chinese areas were very common, and in addition, Chinese were often violently driven from their countries where they had been working.
Kennedy inherited the problems of Southeast Asia and intended to get the United States out of Vietnam before it escalated further. His death changed that. The result is Southeast Asia is still in conflict and what is happening on the continent today reflects the problems with China, Korea, and Japan.
i got this off a online document, i hoped this helps