The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820, and established the 36°30′ north line of latitude as the boundry - States south of this would be slave states, states north of it (With the exception of Missouri) would be free states.
This became problematic, however, as several issues came up, such as:
A) A movement to let the states decide for themselves, which turned out to be what was done and the Missouri Compromise was repealed in 1857, (it actually was ruled as Unconstitutional in Dred Scott vs Sandford)
B) California - It's in the middle and on both sides of the line, and it was admitted as a Free State in the Compromise of 1850, which, more or less repealed the Missouri Compromise as the rules it establishes were thrown out, a deal was made establishing California as a free state in return for a slave Texas and a stricter fugitive slave law.
The colonists had problems with taxation without representation is because they had no say in the matter. They would pay the taxes but Europe made the decisions with the money. Not any of the colonists could make the Decision of we need new roads, schools, etc.
the availability of iron and coal, discovery of the New World, and an energetic scientific community.
Volunteer soldiers. In America, there are no enlisted men, only citizens willing to give up their lives for their country. But during a serious war, there can be soldiers being deployed against their will so that there are more soldiers to help during the war.