In terms of psychology, extinction refers to the progressive weakening of a conditioned response that results in a reduction or absence of the behavior. it explains why a prior conditioned behavior of an organism would eventually stop and it can be observed in both classical conditioning and operant conditioning. As per the question, the extinction signifies stopping of the saliva of the dog in absence of reinforcement of the behavior.
The answer would be the Black Mamba Snake
They're commonly found in the sub-Saharan of Central Africa. Their poison consist of deadly neurotoxins that will kill the victim's neuron activity in a very short period of time
I read about it in my Social studies textbook
A new Moon occurs when all of the Sun’s light is reflected away from Earth, and the side of the Moon facing Earth is barely visible, as illustrated in the above figures. Sometimes the dark face of the Moon catches Earth’s reflected glow and returns that light. The dark face of the Moon has a faint shine, a ghostly version of a full Moon. The phenomenon is called earthshine.