Answer:It is made up of four main islands and thousands of smaller ones. The terrain is mountainous, which means there is not a lot of good land for farming. Because of the geography, the Japanese relied on the sea for many aspects of daily life. Trade with China and Korea became important to get the resources they needed.
Explanation: google
St. Jude Thaddeus, together with his brother James, formed part of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ.
It is said that Jesus Christ invited his apostles to become fishers of men instead of fishermen. However, even before Jesus Christ grew up into maturity and began his mission of teaching God's word, He is already connected with St. Jude.
The mother of St. Jude Thaddeus, Mary, is the sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary; making Jude and James cousins of Jesus Christ.
Though the actual call to St. Jude of becoming an apostle was not written, it is assumed that Jesus met St. Jude in family gatherings like the wedding in Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle.
Explanation: One of Hitler's reasons for invading Europe was to get more Lebensraum, or Living Space, Breathing Room, etc.