Designers use both isometric and perspective sketches to
maintain an object’s visual proportions. Isometric sketches are 3D objects
drawn with lines that have no vanishing points while perspective sketches are 3D
objects drawn with one or more vanishing points.
Designers choose to use an
isometric sketch because it is more accurate than perspective drawings and
makes the design look more professional. Isometric sketches are much easier to
handle because the length of each measure is same as the plan. This is especially
for designers drawing pictures by hand. It is time saving and you do not need
to calculate the angle of every edge.
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RAM and Hard Drive
An FRU is also called a Field-repleacable Unit and is usually an assembly that is easily removed from an electronic equipment, laptop or just a computer and replaced so that one does not have to take the entire system for repairs. When trying to equip yourself with this unit of a laptop, you must take your Random Access Memory and your hard drive as they contain the whole information on the laptop.
=b2 b3-b4 or something close to that, I hope this helps ^^
It is the 'backstage' in which you can <span>save, select a template, change document properties, and close or exit excel</span>