Obsequy is a funeral service
<span>My grandmother always sends flowers to a deceased friend’s obsequies.</span>
My best friend, who I'll call "Frankie" for this, have been buddies for three or four years now. We've gotten to the point where we don't care if we know secrets about each other, and we don't care if we drink out of the same glass. Every time we hang out, there's nothing specific we do. We just...exist together. Sometimes we don't even talk, and that's okay. An example of this is one of the days we had gone to the dollar store down the street from each of our houses and spent all of our money on random little things. We went back to his house, went down into his basement, and recorded an episode of our own podcast. Nobody knows about the podcast, and nobody but us listens to it, and it's great! He fell asleep before me, and I stayed awake until the sun came up. I was just messing around on my computer and drinking one of the Arizona teas I bought until the sun came up. He woke up, we ate breakfast, and then I went home. A normal day and night for us, but it was worth it. We enjoyed ourselves, and in the end, that's all that matters.
Bronte creates sympathy for the girls at Lowood school by employing the literary device of personification and starkly describing the girls' less than favorable living conditions in the school.
- Bronte described Jane's first morning at Lowood school during a winter, the water in the pitchers the girls are meant to use for their morning ablutions are frozen and yet they have to use the water like that.
- During breakfast they were served burnt porridge they could not eat and consequently had to suffer through the morning to lunch time without eating anything, an event that Bronte suggested happened more than once.
- The girls are denied simple and harmless luxuries like keeping their natural curls and wearing clean stockings, a fact that ironically contrasts with the way the proprietor's family present themselves in artificial finery.
- When disease struck the inhabitants of Lowood Bronte described the dismal atmosphere using personification: "while disease had thus became an inhabitant of Lowood, and death its frequent visitor; while there was gloom within its walls; while its rooms and passages steamed with hospital smells." All the makes the reader feel sympathetic towards the girls, as they are living in conditions that are not fit to be lived in.
It creates uncertainty because the audience cannot be sure if the ghost is actually present, or if Macbeth has simply gone mad.