I m looking for the same answer
"His friends none the wiser, Tom surveryed the results of his white washing" Is this an example of verbal irony or a pun... Answer. Mathematics, 07.04.2020 20:33. Hudson is blocking off several rooms in a hotel for guests coming to his wedding.
Answer: He makes a comparison between the man with the muck-rake and journalists.
D - Having finished his homework, Khalil had a day full of fun.
to remember
To make up my history
The word "striking" means something remarkable, memorable and that had a strong impact in a given situation. The narrator of the text uses this word to refer to remarkable, impacting, minutable and significant moments that happened in his life, to the point of "making my story" as he says. The sentence "make my story" is what reinforces the meaning of "striking" within this context.