1. evaporation because in the water cycle the water turns to water vapor during evaporation
Well, the deepest hole humans have ever dug was about 7.5 miles deep, in Murmansk, Russia. We should care about what is beneath our feet because something terrible could be afoot. For example, there could be some kind of anomaly under a heavily populated city. This anomaly could range from anything such as volcanic activity to instability in the ground on which the city is built. We should care about what is in the earth to make sure human life is not somehow endangered by something under our feet. I hope this helps!
A batholith has an irregular shape with side walls that incline steeply against the host rock. Most batholiths intrude across mountain folds and are elongated along the dominant axis of the range; faulting and contact metamorphism of the enveloping rock near the batholith is also observed.