C. The United States has sent powerful forces to the Middle East to
fight terrorism.
The War on Terror is a campaign of the United States, supported by several NATO members and other allies, with the declared purpose of ending international terrorism, systematically eliminating the so-called terrorist groups, thus considered by the United Nations Organization, and all those suspected of belonging to these groups, and putting an end to the alleged sponsorship of terrorism by States. This international offensive was launched by the Bush Administration following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in New York and Washington DC, carried out by Al Qaeda, becoming a central part of the foreign and domestic policy of that administration around the countries integrated into the so-called axis of evil. These global developments involved military operations in fields like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, and other countries to fight terrorist groups like ISIS.
Once in office, FDR set to work immediately. His "New Deal," it turned out, involved regulation and reform of the banking system, massive government spending to "prime the pump" by restarting the economy and putting people back to work, and the creation of a social services network to support those who had fallen on hard times.
Between 8 March and 16 June, in what later became known as the "First Hundred Days," Congress followed Roosevelt's lead by passing an incredible fifteen separate bills which, together, formed the basis of the New Deal. Several of the programs created during those three and a half months are still around in the federal government today. Some of Roosevelt's most notable actions during the Hundred Days were:
<span><span>A national bank holiday: The day after his inauguration, FDR declared a "bank holiday," closing all banks in the country to prevent a collapse of the banking system. With the banks closed, Roosevelt took measures to restore the public's confidence in the financial systems; when the banks reopened a week later, the panic was over.22</span><span>Ending the gold standard: To avoid deflation, FDR quickly suspended the gold standard.23 This meant that U.S. dollars no longer had to be backed up by gold reserves, which also meant that the government could print—and spend—more money to "prime the pump" of the economy.</span><span>Glass-Steagall Act: The Glass-Steagall Act imposed regulations on the banking industry that guided it for over fifty years, until it was repealed in 1999.24 The law separated commercial from investment banking, forced banks to get out of the business of financial investment, banned the use of bank deposits in speculation.25 It also created the FDIC[link to "FDIC" passage below]. The effect of the law was to give greater stability to the banking system.</span><span>FDIC: The Federal Deposit Insurance Commission backed all bank deposits up to $2500, meaning that most bank customers no longer had to worry that a bank failure would wipe out their life savings.26The agency continues to insure American deposits today.</span></span>
The Roaring Twenties
The Roaring Twenties was a time when young women fought against the traditional gender norms. These women (commonly referred to as flappers) would wear short dresses, smoke in public, drink alcohol, and dance in jazz clubs. These acts were all frowned upon for women to do at the time. While in the twenties these women were often viewed as immoral and dangerous, we have since come to recognize them as pioneers of women’s independence, as they pushed back against gender norms.
The Mississippians were a native American culture that inhabited the Mississipi River Valley and surrounding areas from 9th till 16th century. Their culture was unique in that they created Mounds, that is man-made hills, many of them are still existing today.
Right choice is:
b. to collect scientific and practical information of the land.
The main purpose of the expedition was to explore and map the new territory recently acquired, the Louisiana Purchase, find a route to the West and the Pacific and establish an American presence before Britain or other powers would do it. The secondary goals were scientific and economic: to get to know the flaura and the fauna and make trade contacts with the Indians.