- Hace tres meses que la radio no camina. (The car radio has not worked for three months.)
- Hace dos semanas que los limpiaparabrisas están rotos. (The windshield wipers have been broken for two weeks.)
- Hace cinco días que los frenos no andan. (The brakes have not been working for five days.)
If it is the same person talking it's A. van
If it is the people responding to the question it's C. vamps
But it's probably the first one A
Creo que significa que todo trabajo bueno y excelente tiene un premio y una sorpresa deliciosos y encantadores.
Hoy es viernes. Estoy manejando en la montañas. Mañana voy a jugar fútbol.
In English we have modal verbs that help us with this matter. However, in Spanish, we have two expressions that basically mean the same thing: tener que and hay que. does that help