what are the answer choices???
don't you have question 1?
The answer to the question above is "his friendship with the girl with a different race than him" which Okita revealed in the excerpt above. This significant detail is clearly shown in the last part of the excerpt which described Okita's and the girl's last name. This poem is written by Dwight Okita, a Japanese-American playwright, novelist, and poet.
Students whose graduation requirement is Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading may satisfy this requirement by earning the alternate passing score of 349 on the FSA ELA Retake or by earning a concordant score as described in Table 3.
Although there is not a current paragraph related here. According to the actual meaning of the word, vicissitudes, it is possible to say taht this word means difficulties (mainly related to difficult times), that are going to have possitive consequences. In other words, it is possible to say that it has a possitive and a negative meaning at the same time.