Because his death was in a way always going to happen, it was fate. He died when Romeo killed him because of his friends death at Tybalts hand. Tybalt was always going to die because it was his fate.
Orwell uses satirical reversal when Napoleon and the pigs act against their stated principles.
Orwell uses verbal irony when Animal Farm takes on its original name, The Manor Farm.
Satirical techniques are those language techniques used by writers to make their stories or characters seem more or less of what they are and also present an image of what they are like. They may include elements such as irony, hyperbole, exaggeration, ,etc.
In the allegorical novel <em>Animal Farm</em>, George Orwell employs this technique to satirize the abuse of language and how it has been used to show an abuse of power. This is achieved through the <u>satirical reversal of roles or ideals where Napoleon and his 'follower' pigs act against their very own stated principles</u>. Moreover, he uses <u>verbal irony to bring about the name of the farm as Animal Farm from the original name of Manor Farm</u>. These two instances prove that the abuse of language is also part of the abuse of power.
Perseus has traits that we still value in heroes today. Some traits Perseus has that are still important are bravery, intelligence. In the end of the story Perseus conquers the villain, which is common to see in stories about heroic people to this day.
Painting, Creating odd structures