What Cadalso criticizes of these "falsos eruditos" is that in reality they are vain and charlatans who appear to be wise but know very little.
Cadalso believed that it was impossible to change a society completely and that false erudites when faced with serious people fail to do so.
This problem has always existed, and those who think they are erudites really are not, they only appear to be intelligent on the outside and inside they know nothing.
According to Cadalso today what "makes you an erudite" is "to understand French moderately, to frequent public entertainment, to gossip about antiquity and to affect lightness in the most profound matters".
I found the story to complete this exercise online.
1. ¿Quién es el protagonista del corto?
Un espantapájaros.
2. ¿Dónde trabaja el espantapájaros?
En un campo de trigo.
3. ¿Cómo es el trabajo del espantapájaros?
Es fácil pero solitario.
This is a <u>reading comprehension</u> exercise. You have to read a story about a scarecrow and then choose the correct option in each question.
The story is about this scarecrow that works in a wheat field. He is lonely because birds always stay away from him, and he does not why. One day, he talks with a blind bird and he understands that the other birds stay away from him because they are afraid of him, since his work is to protect the harvest from birds.
1.) dijo, dice 2.) dices, dijiste 3.) dijimos, decimos
travel in railroad
get a guide
We can arrive at Machu Pichu in the railroad, several years ago, this mountain area is so hard to build something and unfortunately, people die building the best option to travel to Machu Pichu.
Before the railroad, there are different paths to walk in Machu Pichu, the hardest one, you must contract a guide to do your travel between Inca's path, but there are other paths where just must have a good physical condition.