When community development is effective, there is less crime, less disparity between citizens, better jobs available, a more talented workforce, and less overall issues that impact residents. Community development doesn't necessarily solve problems in a city; it reduces problems and increases opportunities for growth.
add 424 and 339 it equals 763 then subtract 1000 and 763 therefor getting 237.
Dear (insert name),
I would like to invite you to my birthday party on (insert date) at (insert time). It will be held at (insert location). If you could RSVP at this number (insert number). I hope to see you there
Your Friend,
(insert name)
Helpful or Harmful?
— Herbicide-tolerant genetically modified (GM) crops have led to an increase ... food costs, they also help to combat hunger and related problems in various ... amounts of these pesticides are unclear, but studies have linked them to a ... Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world by volume [9].
I'm pretty sure that the correct answer is d. meaningful and enjoyable interactions that are important.