Answer:they saw many things
They saw airplanes dropping bombs, also saw troops on patrol, and also sometimes in combat.
You should write a report on Google Docs( if you have Chrome) or Mircosoft Word ( if you have mac). Do the steps one by one. If they're is a rubric... follow it. May I ask what grade you are in?
The reason why the Peace Corps were established in 1961 was because they wanted to train local men and women to meet the needs of people in developing countries - A.
It was envisioned that trained soldiers from the US would go to deveoping countries and help their country develop into peaceful and stable countries.
1. They must establish state-owned businesses.
2. They must establish a fair labour market.
5. They must open up trade to other countries.
The economic system which is combination of traditional, command and market economies is called mixed economy. It suffers from few disadvantages while it has the benefits of all three economies. Protection of private property, allowing the market and law of demand and supply to determine the prices and Being driven by the self interest of individuals. U.S.A, U.K and India are some examples of Mixed economy as in these countries government and the private sector perform economic activities.
So, if a country wants to transition to mixed economy then it must establish state- owned businesses, establish a fair labour market and open trade with other countries.<em> Establishing state owned business and fair labour market is a characteristic of command economy while opening trade with other countries is feature or capitalist economy.</em>