Colorism is the practice of favoring lighter skin over darker skin. The preference for lighter skin can be seen within any racial or ethnic background.
Yes. And why?
Photographs or photos can be a primary source of information.
A primary source is a type of obtaining or sourcing information after the
phenomenon occurred at that particular time and when photographs are the
first-hand materials that were able to capture that specific moment which then
can convey the information. Primary resources also include –newspapers, journal
articles, magazines and etc. These information are very vital for its
credibility and reliability.
Can anybody helps me on the same question as this.
When you boo,y it hurts there’s bullying is a big thing going on right now so if I were you I would choose bullying I haven’t been bullied but i bullied someone else before after it dint feel nice there’s this say that says dont do to others if you don’t want there’s to do to you so bullying just search it and there you have it a straight A+ okay ✍️✍️✍️✍️️️️️️️