C the income level of visitors
I only know the setting it takes place in the ayodhya that is a city of Utter Pradesh. Am I right ?
In Breaking Dawn Edward tells Jacob the he can kill him if Bella dies seeing as he doesn't want to live without Bella.
At first Jacob agrees however later on, once they believe Bella to be dead, Jacob says he will not kill Edward as he wants him to suffer.
The short story "Ashputtle" was written by the Grimm brothers. It is very similar to the fairy tale known as Cinderella. The word "archetypal" means something that is very typical of a certain kind of person or thing. In this story, the way the king held a three-day feast and invited all the rich girls to attend the feast is archetypal of the monarchy throughout the ages. He was looking for a wife for his son from the same social class as he was.