Exposition: Beginning of a story
- the main characters are introduced
- background information from before the story is discussed
- setting explained
Rising Action: 2nd part, rising to the climax
- this is the part of the story where the problem is introduced
- suspense and problems up as the characters face conflict
- where small battles or problems are fought which leads up to the ultimate "face down"
Climax: Most intense and exciting part in a story
- character faces the biggest problem of them all
- most exhilarating part of a story, you don't know what's going to happen
- if there is a major plot twist in the story it will usually be here
Falling Action: Probelms slowly get resoled
- tension in the story decreases, problems are slowly getting resolved
- opposite of rising action
Resolution: Conclusion/end to the story, all problems are solved
- end of the story, tension is at its lowest
- all problems will be resolved by the resolution
- unanswered questions are answered