I'm guessing that it would flat.
Alliteration is the repetition of a letter at the start of or during a word.
i.e. Coca-Cola, PayPal, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc...
the person giving the compliment used the wrong tone of voice
tone of voice is extremely important when talking, just take any phrase as an example (eg. I hate you) and think of how many different ways it could be interpreted, just simply by depending on the tone of voice used
Technology refers to the application of our knowledge to the everyday life, that is, to living in the environment.
There are numerous types of technology and many areas where it is applied (e.g. engineering, construction, biomedical science, etc) but overall it is the usage of tools -created by humans- to a<em>dapt to the environment with the objective of making things in a better and more advance way </em>and <em>to solve problems in a faster and more effective way</em>.