The correct answer is - c) earthenware.
The earthenware is the ceramics type that is used for the creation of bricks. Traditionally, the term brick has been used for the units composed out of clay. Nowadays, with all the new techniques and materials involved into the construction, a brick can be any rectangular unit that is laid in mortar. Still, a typical brick is composed out of the earthenware, so they can be from clay-bearing soil, lime, and sand, but also are used the concrete materials to give it more strength.
1. New Orleans
2. Cleveland
The answer is A. C. and D.
“One thing that is poorly understood is population growth in Africa,” says William Cobbett, director of Cities Alliance . “It is thought that populations are growing mainly because of urban migration. That’s not correct. Across the continent, the bulk of population growth comes from natural population growth. Undesa figures from 1950-2050 show that in the case of Uganda – the outlier – its population in one century will multiply 20 times. That has never happened in human history.” Tanzania will grow 18 times and Nigeria 10.5.
“Most local authorities don’t have the capacity to deal with this, so there is no forward planning to make provisions for this population growth, which we know is going to happen.”
His organisation is trying to combat the mindset that you can’t plan for increased slum population, by supporting the creation of municipal development forums in a number of Ugandan cities. These are structured discussions where the local authority, local private sector companies and slum dwellers meet and deliberate about the future of the city.
Having the capacity to plan for future slum populations isn’t just a problem limited to Africa though.
SO2 and NOx
The oxides of Sulphur and Nirogen are the major constituents of acid rain. These oxides combine with the water vapor present in the atmosphere and form sulphuric and nitric acid and thus it rains acid.
The region of the United States most harmed by acid rain is the East Coast, including the Appalachian Mountains and the Northeast. In India the Agra Taj Mahal color is changing from white to Yellow because of acid rain. Acid rains are harmful for are agricultural land as well.