The correct answer is - B) Elysia Chlorotica grows when exposed to light in the absence of other food sources
If placing Elysia Chlorotica in presence of the food sources in the presence or absence of light it still grows as normal. However, if placing in the light in absence of the food sources it should not grow if it is not able to perform photosynthesis but it does which means there is a photosynthesis process also involve in the Elysia.
Photosynthesis is the process that involves the production of energy and nutrition in presence of light with water and atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Ear muscles and tailbones are examples of vestigial structures found among the <span>Caminalcules. </span>
a solution of each sodium salt at the same concentration
If a scientist wishes to study the electrical potential that develops between ice and the sodium salts solution of the ions (F-, Cl-, Br-, or I-) in order to determine which ion produced the greatest electrical potential; he must compare the electrical potential that develops between ice and a solution of each sodium salt at the same concentration.
This means that conclusions can not be reached unless the sodium salt of each ion at the same concentration is compared so as to ensure consistence in the results of the study.
DNA model given by Watson and Creek in the year of 1953 gave a very detailed study regarding the structure of B DNA which is valid till date and is essentially corroborating with Chargaff's data and Xray diffraction pattern.
The DNA is the most common nucleic acid found in the living organisms as a genetic material. As stated by Watson and Creek, this DNA contains a double helical structure with two sugar phosphate backbones and the nitrogen bases getting projected from it inwards. The backbones are formed of ribose sugar and phosphate and joined together with a phosphodiester bond. The ribose sugar is attached to phosphates at its 3' and 5' Carbon atoms. The nitrogen bases found in DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. The Adenine has two hydrogen bonds with thymine and guanine has 3 hydrogen bonds with cytosine.
Each full turn of a helix is 34A and each base pair is 3.4A apart. The distance between two strands of DNA is 20A.
Chargaff's rule regarding the equal amount of adenine and thymine as well as guanine and cytosine is matching with this structure. All the other rules also do match with this DNA structure.
Sepsis but I'm relay not sure I joust saw it in my head