He became more flirtatious and sociable towards others. He went from a shy boy to a strong confident male.
The author can show the character development
in many different ways. One of which is that the author must research about the
character's basic facts. For instance, if the character is a doctor, the writer must
read books related books, interview doctors etc. This method will also lead the
author to establish a well-written history of the character. The author must be
creative and make his character like a living person.
"What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn't come every day." These lines from Pygmalion are spoken by Professor Higgins, who is convincing himself of accepting Liza as a pupil.
<u>indifference to each other</u>
One may ask; What are adverbs? Put simply, an adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, sentence, or adjective.
Hence, by using such adverbs the narrator is able to describe the indifference (verbs; actions) found among the dwellers.
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