All u do is divide 3 into 74 but 3 cant get into 74 so u do the number the close in that 3 times 24 in that 72 but if u do 25 times 3 that 75 in the number cant be greater so then u know it 24 times 3 then u subtract 74 from 72 in get 2 as the remainder so u have 2 as the hold number in 3 as the nemonator in 24 as the denatorator
Nhnhb uujjjjjjnj b fuvuvuvvyvuvu bib bib in bibibibk. bibibibibibk ivuvivycuvuvuv jbibivibivuc ivvivibi
9 < x
this means that x is a larger number than 9
9 = x
this means that x is equal to 9