French and india war
Stamp act
Boston massacre
Boston tea party
Intolérable acts
First continental
Government as a necessary evil,
State of Nature,
The Inevitability of American Independence, The Inevitability of British Oppression, America's relationship with the rest of Europe, The Problems with Monarchy
Coolie was a pejorative word for Chinese indentured laborers, whose living conditions were similar to slavery.
Being a slave, who is unable to leave the duty they are performing for an enslaver and who is treated as the enslaver's property, is both the state and the condition of being an enslaved person. Typically, slavery entails the enslaved individual being forced to labor and having their location or place of residence determined by the enslaver.
Many historical instances of slavery took place as a result of criminal activity, debt, or military loss; other types of slavery were established along demographic lines, such as race. A person may be held in captivity for all of time or for a certain amount of time before being released.
To know more about Slavery here