Clearly describe recordings or events for potential audiences.
The Beastie Boys and Run-D.M.C. both blended rap wit hard rock, establishing the artistic affinities between those musical genres, and making rap’s mainstream audience to grow very quickly.
The Beastie Boys, the first white rap musicians to earn a large fanbase, actually got credibility with the rap fans when they toured the black rappers of Run-D.M.C.
Van Lew's modest looks and actions helped her spying success
Rococo architecture emphasizes grace, ornamentation and asymmetry; Neoclassical architecture is based on the principles of simplicity and symmetry, which were seen as virtues of the arts of Rome and Ancient Greece, and were more immediately drawn from 16th-century Renaissance Classicism. Each "neo"-classicism selects some models among the range of possible classics that are available to it, and ignores others.
The three types are face masks, helmet masks, and body and belly masks. Face masks are commonly used today as products used to make the face more healthy. Helmet masks are fit over the head and are often carved from a tree trunk. Body and belly masks were made to cover the upper half of your body.