An archaeologist was able to determine the sites by the bricks similar but was old found in the area where they lay railroads.
- While railroads were constructed in Pakistan the engineers were searching for ballast which is used for railroad construction to drain water from the railways.
- Archaeologists later discovered the settlements along the Indus river, thousands of clay pellets with writings older than Sumerian, combs, pottery, seals, urban, plans with grid pattern during the excavation process.
- Both Harappa and Mohenjo Daro is a part of Indus Valley Civilization. The period of the excavated materials and artifacts is determined by the process name called Radio-Carbon Dating in which the age of the carbon can be accessed.
<span>Where did the individual revolution begin? </span><span>
C. Great Britain </span>
Henry Sylvester Williams
Although the union between the different African countries is one of its priorities, the idea of a Pan-African union was not born on the black continent. In fact, it had its origin very far: in the American continent. One of its main leaders was Henry Sylvester Willians, a lawyer from Trinidad who managed to organize the First Pan-African Conference in 1900 in the city of London. This conference had as its main objective the creation of a movement that generated a feeling of solidarity with regard to the black populations of the colonies. Sylvester Willians was one of several black intellectuals in the Caribbean and southern United States who together sought a more dignified condition for the black populations of colonized areas