The correct answer is the lower and urban classes
Anyone who was in a position of power disliked Christianity and didn't want it because they feared they would lose their power since the people would stop respecting them and start following a foreign person. That's why the Romans hated Jesus.
President Richard Nixon was the 37th U.S. President.
Richard Milhous Nixon was the President of the United States. He served from year 1969 to year 1974. The Congress started an impeachment motion against him on record of violation of his powers and comtempting the Congress.
But the white males of the United States were in favor of Nixon. They protest against the impeachment of Nixon. Nixon was focused on the detente with both the countries of China and Soviet Russia. He also signed the Treaty of Anti-ballistic missile.
Yes he deserves to be called a Hero.
This is because Napoleon fought all battles alone without the support of any other nation. He was a great leader, always at the forefront of the action. The people of Europe picked up the ideas of Nationalism and Liberalism from France. People of Europe tired of seeing their nations used as pawns against the British. As a result, nationalism developed in many European nations. The countries which were under the dominance of Napoleon, adopted many of the very military and administrative reforms that had made France so strong.
Connelly's summaries of the action are clear and concise; his description of the social and political context in which Napoleon fought is beautiful, his portrayal of the personalities of Napoleon's marshals is lively and insightful; and his portrait of Napoleon's ambition and drive to win is excellent.
Globalization has had an effect on exposing and bringing international pressure seeking to end a) female circumcision and sexual mutilation of young women, b) forced or arranged marriages, and d) abusive dating relationships. Although out of these answers C is probably the least accurate, even some attention has been given to this subject as well.