El cerebro es la parte fundamental. Es así porque no es tu corteza cerebral quien controla el movimiento, sino tu cerebelo. El bulbo raquídeo es el encargado de controlar el funcionamiento de nuestros órganos: el latido cardíaco, el ritmo respiratorio, la presión arterial, el estado de la digestión, etc
The snow is deep on the ground.
Always the light falls
Softly down on the hair of my belovèd.
E. you should definitely ask all these if your a listener of a spaeker
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D. people do not want to pay for world news
World News remain as numerous or more and there's always something to be talked about. But with the arrival of the internet, things like newspapers and magazines have been dying every day. People want their information quickly, with a single click or touch on the screen and most are not willing to pay for that quick piece of information that they get from a social network.