Answer: One reason why immigrants and others moved to Midwestern cities is because a law that determined how the Northwest Territory would become states.
Explanation: Many immigrants and others moved, and changed their jobs.
Answer: This is an example of HINDSIGHT BIAS.
Explanation: Hindsight bias is defined as the tendency for an individual to calculate too highly the ability to have seen the outcome of an event. It is also known as the knew-it-all-along phenomenon or creeping determinism individuals here feel they already know what will happen after it has happened.
The phrase "life is lived forwards, but understood backwards." is a typical example because for an individual to understand life backwards, it must have already happened. Which is what hindsight bias explains an already occur event. More like predicting the past.
Answer: Identity foreclosure
Identity foreclosure could be defined as the stage of the life of an individual where the individual has identified his or her self but their decisions are not independent yet, as their decisions, ideas are still dependent or learnt from friends and family. This is popularly observed with youths around 18 years. Lol falls into this category, although she's matured and can make decisions on her own but she still accepts the decisions of her family without questioning them.
Information social influence is the vehicle by which women learn what is attractive, whereas, normative social influence explains women's attempts to create the ideal body.
- Women tend to be inclined more towards looking attractive as they unconsciously perceive it as a sign of well-being and standard living.
- The sources that women learn from about attractiveness also influence them to a great extent and tend them to imitate the source by developing themselves to look attractive.