Nymphs are the minor deities that care for nature. The most mentioned 'varieties' are dryads (tree nymphs) and naiads (water nymphs). They are Greek/roman deities, but only minor ones, usually dedicated to a specific tree/body of water. They often mated or served with higher gods or mated with mortals to produce demi-god offspring, e.g. Achilles was the son of a sea nymph, Thetis, and a mortal King.
The type of sentence given is a compound sentence. It is a compound sentence because it consists of two independent sentences: "I already said yes to someone else" and "I can't go to the dance with you". In order to link the two sentences, the conjunction "because" is used.
1. The door is opened by him
2.The table has been set by us
3. A lot of money has been paid by her
4. A picture was drawn by me
5. Blue shoes are wore by them
6. You are not helped by them
7. The book is not opened by him
8. The letter is not written by you
9. Are you picked up by your mom?
10.Is the theif caught by the police officer?