Answer: In the field of molecular biology the correct sequence of events are as follows:
1. Gregor Mendel proves the Laws of Inheritance in 1865.
2. Friedrich Miescher conducted experiments to identify nuclein as the building blocks of life in 1869.
3. James Watson and Francis Crick presented a model of DNA in 1953.
4. Frederick Sanger developed a method for sequencing DNA in 1977.
The correct answer is ''aids in the passive movement of water out of the tubule''
The nephron loop has a descending branch, which goes to the renal medulla, and an ascending branch, which goes back to the cortex. The nephrons of these kidneys can have loops of Henle of different dimensions. The thin segment of the loop has thin epithelial membranes, its cells are highly permeable to water, but not to solutes. The water that exits from the descending portion of the nephron loop into the medullary space is immediately reabsorbed by the peritubular capillaries, causing osmolality to increase in both the tubular fluid and the medullary interstitial fluid. The characteristics of the descending branch differ from one species to another, the normal thing is that in one way or another, the osmotic concentration of the urine that moves through it is balanced with that of the interstitial fluid.
Cytokinesis occurs is the correct answer
The majority of cardiac muscle cells also known as cardiomyocytes of myocardiocytes have one nucleus even though they might have as many as four.
The electrons in these bonds carry energy. Within the power plants of the cell (mitochondria), energy is used to add one molecule of inorganic phosphate (P) to a molecule of adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The amount of energy stored is about 7,300 calories for every mole of ATP formed.